Great leadership requires self-reflection: these prompts will help

Great leadership requires self-reflection: these prompts will help

Leadership depends on your ability for self-reflection and your appetite for self-development. There are times in our lives when we are naturally prompted to reflect on our actions, behaviours and achievements – often these coincide with the end of another year, a...
Self-Leadership and How It Impacts Your Team

Self-Leadership and How It Impacts Your Team

You cannot lead others if you cannot first lead yourself. Self-leadership, one of the biggest challenges for leaders today, is a process of consciously choosing your thoughts, feelings, and actions to support you in achieving your personal and professional goals....
Supporting Your Employees Who Work Remotely

Supporting Your Employees Who Work Remotely

Many organisations the world over are noticing the characteristic and behavioural changes in some of their employees who are working remotely.  These same changes are being noticed by their customers too! The automated systems are processing away, churning out...
Keeping Your Customers During a Pandemic

Keeping Your Customers During a Pandemic

The avalanche of global disruption, debate, media focus and business restructuring or closures is taking a heavy toll on business owners and leaders worldwide. Some, if not all, are naturally gripped by fear, some are applying sharp cost cutting initiatives, while...
Walk In Your Customer’s Shoes

Walk In Your Customer’s Shoes

Do you know what it is like for your customers to interact with your organisation and to do business with you? Do you know how they are treated during each stage of their interaction and where, how and when they connect with your people, your premises, your call...
Decluttering – How to Make Space for the New in Your Life!

Decluttering – How to Make Space for the New in Your Life!

You’ve often heard the expression ‘Out with the old and in with the new!’ and generally this is linked with physically decluttering your living and work spaces!   But physical decluttering is only one type of decluttering and you can also declutter or simplify your...
How to Respond and Not React to Life

How to Respond and Not React to Life

You might think responding to life is difficult in these strange times. Most people react to the circumstances and situations of their present-day life, allowing them to determine their present and their future.  It doesn’t have to be that way. Living our lives by...
How To Get The Most Out of Your Day!

How To Get The Most Out of Your Day!

How you manage your energy will determine how well you manage your use of time on a daily basis. Time manages itself – what you manage is your energy – your attitude, conscious thought and decision-making and your self-care.  All these contribute to keeping your...
Managing The Way Forward Post Pandemic

Managing The Way Forward Post Pandemic

Thankfully there appears to be some light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel. The disruption to you, your loved ones, your organisations, employees, colleagues, customers and suppliers has been significant.  Now it’s time to think about turning the corner – or several...
Leading Your Teams Through a Crisis

Leading Your Teams Through a Crisis

Whether some or all of your employees are working onsite or from home or a mix of both, your leadership skills are being well tested!  Add to this, the need to reduce the numbers of people working and to move people into positions they don’t normally fill or are not...